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  • 2012: Phd degree in geology, Grenoble University, France

  • 2008: MSc degree (Master 2) “Solid Earth”, Joseph Fourrier University, Grenoble, France

  • 2006: BSc degree in Geosciences (3 years), Angers University, France

  • 2003: Scientific Baccalauréat, Caen, France

  • 2014-2016: Post-doctoral position “Salt tectonic in the Iberian Chain”, Institut of Jaume Almera (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain (director J. Vergés)

  • 2013-2014: Temporary teaching and research assistant in geology (teaching: 249 hrs), Montpellier 2 University (France)

  • 2012-2013: Temporary teaching and research assistant in geology (teaching: 236 hrs), Caen University (France)

  • 2008-2012: Phd degree in geology, “The northern margin of the Basque Trough during Albian: sedimentary architecture and diapir growth in strike-slip settings (Basque Country)”. ISTerre laboratory, Grenoble University and Geolink company (France), (directors C. Basile, ISTerre & T. Jacquin, Geolink)

Field work experiences
  • 2014-2016 (post-doctoral position): Miravete de la Sierra (Ibéric Chain), High Atlas (Morocco), Lusitanian basin (Portugal), Pyrénées and Adana basin (Turkey)

  • 2008-2011 (PhD): Basque Country, Spain (5 months in total)

  • 2011: PhD field school, geology of the Variscan Chain in the eastern part of the French "Massif Central"

  • 2009: PhD field school, crustal thinning and granit emplacement in the Elba Island.

  • 2005-2007 (Summers): mapping of the Carboniferous Laval basin (BRGM and Caen University, France)

  • 2003-2008 (BSc MSc degrees) : Black Montains, French Central Massif, Alps, Lower Loire coal basin, May-sur-Orne syncline (Lower Normandy)

  • Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P.A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., Macchiavelli, C., Wright, W., Messager, G., Embry, J.‐C. and Hunt, D. (2020), Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Res. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/bre.12447

  • Furgerot, L., Poprawski, Y., Violet, M., Poizot, E, Bailly du Bois, P., Morillon, M. and Mear, Y. (2019). High-resolution bathymetry of the Alderney Race and its geological and sedimentological description (Raz Blanchard, northwest France), Journal of Maps, 15:2, 708-718, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2019.1657510

  • Hoeksema, B. W., Pedoja, K., Poprawski, Y. (2018). Long‐distance transport of a West Atlantic stony coral on a plastic raft. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.2405.

  • Pedoja, K., Jara-Muñoz, J., De Gelder, G., Robertson, J., Meschis, M., Fernandez-Blanco, D., Nexer, M., Poprawski, Y., Dugué, O., Delcaillau, B., Bessin, P., Benabdelouahed, M., Authemayou, C., Husson, L., Regard, V., Menier, D., Pinel, B. Bessin, P. (2018). Neogene-Quaternary slow coastal uplift of Western Europe through the perspective of sequences of strandlines from the Cotentin Peninsula (Normandy, France). Geomorphology, 303, 338-356. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.11.021.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Jaillard, E., Gaudin, M., Lopez, M. (2016). Halokinetic sequences in carbonate systems: An example from the Middle Albian Bakio Breccias Formation (Basque Country, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 334, 34-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2016.01.013.

  • Cavalier, P., Baghai-Wadji, A., Poprawski, Y., Inggs, M. (2016). An empirical law for wavelet maxima interpretation of potential fields: Application to the Uinta Mountains range. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 134, 89-99. DOI:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.08.008.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Agirrezabala, L., Jaillard, E., Gaudin, M., Jacquin, T. (2014). Sedimentary and structural record of the Albian growth of the Bakio salt diapir (the Basque Country, northern Spain). Basin Research. 26, 746-766. DOI: 10.1111/bre.12062.

  • Pedoja, K., Husson, L., Johnson, M.E., Melnick, D., Witt, C., Pochat, S., Nexer, M., Delcaillau, B., Pinegina T., Poprawski, Y., Authemayou, C., Elliot, M., Regard, V., Garestier, F. (2014). Coastal staircase sequences reflecting sea-level oscillations and tectonic uplift during the Quaternary and Neogene. Earth-Science Reviews, 132, 13-38. DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.01.007.

Map with the French Geological Survey
  • Le Gall, J., Gigot, P., Savaton, P., Lacquement, F., Poprawski, Y., Vernhet, Y. (2011). Carte géologique de la France (1/50 000), Feuille de Laval, Orléans : Édition BRGM.

Talks and posters
  • Gutteridge, P., Horbury, A., Poprawski, Y. (2019). Salt – carbonate interactions in the Sureste Basin, SE Mexico; depositional models and analogues for Cretaceous carbonate breccias. Oral presentation, Petroleum Geology of Mexico and the Northern Caribbean. The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, UK.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C. (2018). Halokinetic sequences in carbonate depositional settings: the case-study of the Bakio diapir (Basque-Cantabrian basin, northern Spain). Oral presentation, GSA Penrose Conference. Advances in salt tectonics: observations, applications, and perspective: In honor of Martin P.A. Jackson. Ein Boqeq, Israel.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C. (2018). Salt growth in the Basque-Cantabrian basin (northern Spain): a review. Poster, GSA Penrose Conference. Advances in salt tectonics: observations, applications, and perspective: In honor of Martin P.A. Jackson. Ein Boqeq, Israel. DOI: 0.1002/essoar.10500041.1

  • Saura, E., Verges, J., Moragas, M., Casciello, E., Casini, G., Almar, Y., Poprawski, Y., Martín-Martín, J., Méssager, G, Hunt, D. (2017). Poster, From Outcrop to Reservoir: Improving Exploration in Diapiric Provinces. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C. (2014). Transpression et inversion des failles normales du Crétacé lors de la compression pyrénéenne (Plenzia-Armintza, Pays Basque espagnol). Oral presentation, 24e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau, France.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Agirrezabala, L., Jaillard, E., Gaudin, M., Jacquin, T. (2013). Vers un modèle général des carbonates re-sédimentés ? Exemple de la formation des brèches de Bakio autour du diapir de Bakio (Pays Basque, Espagne). Oral presentation, 14e congrès de l'Association Française de Sédimentologie, Paris, France.

  • Poprawski, Y. (2011). Modélisation du diapir de Bakio (Pays Basque espagnol) : exemple d’utilisation de données lidar pour la modélisation en 3D de surfaces géologiques. Oral presentation, École thématique CNRS n° 1111093, Chambéry, France.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Jacquin, T., Gaudin, M., Rossi, M. (2010). Caractérisation des géométries dans les flancs d’un diapir et impact sur la sédimentation: exemple du diapir de Bakio (Pays Basque espagnol). Oral presentation, 23e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Bordeaux, France.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Jacquin, T., Rossi, M. and Gaudin, M. (2010). Albian depositional systems along the faulted Basque-Cantabrian northern margin as an analogue to slope-apron fan systems occurring on the western side of the Klakk Fault complex. Oral presentation, From depositional systems to sedimentary successions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Stavanger, Norvège.

  • Poprawski, Y., Basile, C., Jacquin, T., Gaudin, M., Rossi, M. (2010). Syn-tectonic carbonated sedimentation and gravitational collapses on the border of the Basque-Cantabrian Albian pull-apart basin. Poster, EGU General Assembly. Vienna.

  • Poprawski, Y. and Lacquement, F. (2007). Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: A modern view on orogenic research. Poster, BRGM, Orléans, France.

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